What Are Causes of Downed Wires?

Storms, ice, trees and pole decay can often stress power line structures, leading to down lines and electrocution accidents

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Get Help From Our Electrocution Lawyers Today

You don’t have to take on the utility company alone. Talk to an experienced attorney today.

When power lines fall and cause tragic electrocution deaths and injuries, many people think the cause was an accidental event, such a severe storm. But it’s important to remember that power lines and poles should be able to withstand the force of Mother Nature, if they’re properly inspected and maintained by utility companies.

In the pages below, our attorneys are reviewing some common causes of downed wires:

Pole decay

When our lawyers investigate various types of electrocution cases, we look for deficiencies in inspection and maintenance regimens on behalf of the utility company for the poles and pole top structures. Again, the weather or outside influences on the power lines are not usually the cause of the accident that injured or killed your loved one.