What’s the Law for Electrocution Cases? > What Expert Witnesses Are Needed in Electrocution Cases?
What Expert Witnesses Are Needed in Electrocution Cases?
An experienced electrocution lawyer is familiar with the various engineering, scientific and medical expert witnesses needed to effectively prove your case
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You don’t have to take on the utility company alone. Talk to an experienced attorney today.
It may seem like electrocution cases are cut and dry: A power line falls and injures or kills someone. But there’s far more to an electrocution case than what appears on the surface.
In the video below, attorney Jeffrey Feldman explains why these cases are incredibly sophisticated, requiring an attorney to understand and gather the experts from various engineering, scientific and medical disciplines that are required to prove why the power line came down and the destruction it caused.
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Some required experts in electrocution cases include:
- A forensic pathologist.
- A power infrastructure expert.
- An electrical engineering expert.
- A mechanical engineering expert.
- A reliability engineer.
- An expert on the National Electric Safety Code.
- A wood scientist.
- An economist.
- Experts on various injuries and medical specialties.