Electrocution Cases Involving Power Lines: Here’s What To Know

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You don’t have to take on the utility company alone. Talk to an experienced attorney today.

There are several types of injury lawsuits. Generally, in electrocution cases involving power lines, principles of negligence apply — rather than strict liability or product liability. 

The reason strict liability principles do not apply is because the transmission of electricity through power lines is not generally deemed so ultra-hazardous as to warrant strict liability, according to Kentucky Utilities Co. v Auto Crane Co..

In addition, the transmission of electricity is a public necessity and the rules for strict liability for abnormally dangerous activities rarely apply to activities carried on in pursuance of a public duty, according to Kentucky Utilities.

This means the plaintiff’s lawyer has the burden of proving the following factors in electrocution cases:

  1. The defendant power company owed a duty to the plaintiff;
  2. The power company breached that duty;
  3. The power company’s conduct was a cause-in-fact of the plaintiff’s injuries;
  4. The power company’s substandard conduct was a legal cause of plaintiff’s injuries; and
  5. The plaintiff suffered actual damages (Foley v. Energy La., Inc.)

Get help from an experienced electric shock lawyer

If you or someone you love is a victim of serious personal injury or death caused by a power line, you can call and speak with Jeff Feldman, arguably the nation’s most experienced electrocution accident lawyer. Jeff has litigated electrocution cases involving sagging, low hanging and downed power cables and against utility companies in multiple states and consults with lawyers throughout the country on electric shock injury and wrongful death cases involving electricity. You can call Jeff toll free at (947) 282-4269 for a free consultation.