The dangers of electricity on the body can result in electrocution and electric shock injuries. Victims may suffer electrical trauma that includes cardiac arrest, burns, organ, tissue, and nerve damage, brain injuries, cognitive dysfunction, and even death.
If you have been injured by or if you have lost a loved one to an electrocution accident, an experienced lawyer can help you and your family protect your legal rights and ensure that you recover the best settlement possible in your case against the responsible parties.
What are the dangers of using electricity?
The dangers of using electricity include (1) electrocution causing death, (2) electrocution causing serious injury, and (3) electric shock injury. Electricity-related injuries can damage a person’s brain, cause burns and tissue and nerve damage, and result in post-electric shock syndrome.
How many volts of electricity are dangerous?
Research has shown there is a range for how many volts of electricity is dangerous. Some experts report that 30 volts is a conservative estimate for when voltage becomes dangerous. Other experts note that the danger threshold could be 42 volts or even 110 volts.
It is important to remember that low voltage shocks are capable of causing serious injury.
What are the dangers of working with electricity?
The dangers of working with electricity include electrocution resulting in death or serious electric shock injury as a result of contact with energized power lines or faulty electrical equipment. Construction workers, utility linemen and employees in general can face these injuries or death working with electrical power.
Do you have a case if you suffered an electric shock injury at work?
If you suffered an electric shock injury at work, then you may have a claim for workers compensation benefits against your employer and a claim for pain and suffering compensation against any responsible third parties.
What if an electrocution has caused the death of a loved one?
If the dangers of electricity have caused the death of a loved one, then you and your family may be able to file a wrongful death lawsuit against the responsible parties to recover pain and suffering compensation and other economic loss damages.
However, if your loved one was killed by an electrical accident at work, then your claim may be limited to recovering death benefits under the Workers Comp law unless other responsible, non-employer third parties can be identified. Often inexperienced personal injury lawyers assume that the loved ones of a person killed by electricity at work do not have any additional legal right to compensation for their loss or that a lawsuit is barred by workers compensation. This is where an experienced electrocution lawyer can identify third parties and independent contractors who can be successfully held to account if they played a role in causing a person’s electrocution or shock injury at work.
Compensation for injuries caused by the dangers of electricity
There is no formula for compensation if you receive injuries suffered from an electrical accident, but several factors will play a role: (1) the nature and extent of your injuries; (2) what your medical needs are and will be in the future as you recover; (3) your pain and suffering; and (4) the experience and track record of your lawyer.
Your choice of lawyer plays a significant role in the amount of compensation you are able to recover for your electrical injuries. Insurance companies and utility companies know who the attorneys are who truly understand this area of law and know the right experts to prove wrongdoing and document a case correctly for trial.
You want an experienced electrocution lawyer on your side because attorneys who are unfamiliar with this complex area of law often experience a “scorched Earth” defense from the utility company lawyers who believe they can exhaust a lawyer into settling short. A known electrocution lawyer who has an established track record of success can very often settle cases considerably faster and for more money.
Get help from an experienced electric shock injury lawyer
If you or someone you love is a victim of serious personal injury or death caused by electricity, you can call and speak with Jeff Feldman, arguably the nation’s most experienced electric shock accident and electrocution attorney. Jeff has litigated dozens of electrocution cases and electric shock injury cases. He has helped victims of electrical injury in multiple states for families whose loved ones were injured or killed by the dangers of electricity, such as faulty consumer products, negligence in the building and construction industry, downed or low-hanging overhead power cables, and defective or poorly maintained pool equipment. Jeff also consults with injury lawyers throughout the country on electric shock injury and wrongful death cases involving electricity. You can call Jeff toll-free at (947) 282-4269 for a free consultation.