The dangers of electric shock on the body can result in death, injury, heart damage, brain damage, burns, nerve damage, miscarriage, muscle pain, arm pain, and post electric shock syndrome. Every electric shock on the body is potentially very serious and often will require immediate medical attention.
If you have been injured by or if you have lost a loved one due to electric shock, an experienced electrocution accident lawyer can help you and your family. An electrocution lawyer can help you receive the specialized medical care you may require after a serious electric shock, protect your legal rights, and ensure that you recover the best settlement possible in your case against the responsible parties.
How can electric shock damage your body?
Electric shock can damage your body by causing death or serious, disabling and disfiguring injuries. The electric shock damage that a person can suffer includes: (1) heart damage; (2) brain damage; (3) burns; (4) nerve damage; (5) miscarriage; (6) muscle pain; (7) arm pain; and (8) post electric shock syndrome.
A fatal electrocution occurs when a person has contact with or is exposed to the dangers of electric shock on the body, resulting in an electrical current being sent through the person’s body that causes the person’s death.
Electric shock injury
An electric shock injury occurs when a person has contact with or is exposed to electricity, but the injury and damage – albeit serious and potentially disabling – does not result in death.
Dangers of electric shock on the body include heart damage
Heart damage caused by electric shock is a very serious injury that requires immediate medical attention. Arrhythmias (which are irregular heart rhythms) and myocardial injuries (such as heart attacks and cardiac arrest) are the most common forms of heart damage caused by coming into contact with electricity.
Brain damage as a result of electric shock
The dangers of electric shock on the body include brain damage, which can have both neurologic and neuropsychological consequences. The effects of electric shock on the brain includes memory loss, depression, deficits in visuospatial reasoning and the ability to perform routine personal and professional tasks.
Dangers of electric shock and burns
Electrical burns caused by electric shock on the body are painful, debilitating and potentially disfiguring. Immediate medical attention is necessary to reduce the chance that tissue and/or internal organ damage and loss of blood flow may result in limb amputation. Burns often require skin graft and reconstructive surgeries.
Nerve damage
Nerve damage is one of the dangers of electric shock on the body. Its effects can be very serious and life-threatening. Nerve damage can interfere with: (1) breathing; (2) heart function; (3) the ability to walk; and (4) the brain’s ability to properly and accurately process pain signals from the body.
Another one of the dangers of electric shock on the body can be a miscarriage. When a miscarriage results from an electrical accident, the pregnant woman may be able to bring a negligence lawsuit against the responsible parties and/or file a Workers’ Comp claim against her employer. A wrongful death lawsuit may also be brought on behalf of the embryo or fetus.
This is a very complex area of the law and the causes of action that may exist will depend on the laws of the state in which the accident that caused the miscarriage occurred. It is very important that a victim and her family seek the help of an experienced electrocution lawyer to protect their rights to the compensation, benefits and economic damages you are legally entitled to.
Muscle pain
Muscle pain caused by coming into contact with electricity often results from the violent contracting and seizing of the muscle that occurs when the electrical current passes through the body. Immediate medical attention is necessary to find out if there is a more serious underlying injury.
Arm pain
Arm pain after electric shock on the body may be a symptom of another injury such as a burn, tissue damage or nerve damage. It may also be a symptom of a broken bone caused by electrical current as it passes through the arm. Muscle damage in the arm may also cause swelling.
Post electric shock syndrome
Post electric shock syndrome describes a person’s neuropsychological and neuropsychiatric responses to the dangers of electric shock on the body. It is a form of post-traumatic stress disorder. Syndrome conditions frequently prevent victims from resuming their normal lives and from being able to return to work.
Do you have a case if you were injured at work by the dangers of electric shock on the body?
If you have been injured in an electrical accident at work, then you may have a claim for Workers Compensation benefits against your employer. You may also have a negligence claim for pain and suffering compensation against any responsible third parties.
Can you sue when someone’s negligence caused you to suffer injuries from an electrical accident?
If you suffered an electrical injury in a non-work setting as a result of another person’s negligence, then you may be able to file an electric shock lawsuit against the negligent party for pain and suffering compensation and other economic damages.
What if the dangers of electric shock on the body have caused the death of a loved one?
If an electrical accident caused the death of a loved one, then you and your family may be able to file a wrongful death lawsuit against the responsible parties to sue to recover pain and suffering compensation and other economic loss damages.
However, if your loved one was killed on the job in an electrical accident, then your claim may be limited to recovering death benefits under the Workers’ Comp law, unless other responsible, non-employer third parties can be identified. Jeff Feldman works with excellent workers compensation lawyers throughout the country and can often help in finding an excellent attorney to set up work comp benefits after an electric shock injury suffered at work or during the course of employment.
Get help from an experienced electric shock injury lawyer
If you or someone you love is a victim of serious personal injury or death caused by electricity, you can call and speak with Jeff Feldman, arguably the nation’s most experienced electric shock accident and electrocution attorney.
Jeff has litigated electrocution cases and electric shock injury cases in multiple states for families whose loved ones were injured or killed by the dangers of electric shock on the body, such as faulty consumer products, negligence in the building and construction industry, downed or low-hanging overhead power cables, and defective or poorly maintained pool equipment.
Jeff also consults with injury lawyers throughout the country on electric shock injury and wrongful death cases involving electricity. You can call Jeff toll free at (947) 282-4269 for a free consultation.